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Through a turn of events, Trinity decided to relaunch a summer ministry that had not been done for many years: Vacation Bible School. A new twist this time was in hosting the VBS program on the last weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) in August. 

Our program this year is broken down into 1-hour segments each day: 1 hour of Bible teaching (lesson upstairs and activities downstairs that reinforce the lesson), 1 hour of fun relaxation (healthy snacks followed by outside games), and 1 hour of Bible teaching (lesson & activities). By the end of the weekend, we will have covered five studies in Genesis and one study in Exodus - a cursory review of early history as recorded in Scripture.

So far (Aug 24), we've had very good weather and the program has been well attended. The children have had an excellent time.

On the Sunday (tomorrow, Aug 25), our Worship Service will become part of the VBS program, featuring the children's Bible study lesson at the start of the hour and a wrap-up and review at the end of the hour. When the service ends (around 12pm noon), we will all go outside to the rear parking lot for a barbeque luncheon and fun games. Everyone in the congregation, including the parents and families of our VBS children, are invited to attend and participate. It will be a service like none other.

The following Sunday, September 1, we will relaunch our Sunday School program for all ages at 9:30am, inviting anyone attending VBS to join us for more Bible study & activities (Sunday School). Of course, we will also have refreshments (Interlude) at 10:30am, followed by our Worship Service of singing, prayer, and more Bible study at 11am.

We thank the Lord for His blessing to this point and look forward to see how He will use us and this ministry in the days ahead.

"To God Be the Glory, Great Things He Hath Done!"