If you would like to support our ministry financially, there are several available options:
1. Via cash/cheque during the Sunday morning service at 11 am. Please make out all cheques to Trinity Baptist Church. There are spare offering envelopes at the church on the small table in the foyer and in the back of the church pews that you can fill out. If you would like your own stack of envelopes, please contact info@trinitybaptist.ca.
2. Via E-transfer. Please send all e-transfers to giving@trinitybaptist.ca. Passwords are not required.
3. Via credit card or debit card on Tithe.ly. Please click the link to our Tithe.ly page.
If you would like a charitable donation receipt, please send an email containing your name, phone number, and address to giving@trinitybaptist.ca. We keep a record of your donations for income tax purposes.
We assume donations will go to our general fund unless otherwise designated.